Lonmin CEO assures miners of better working conditions

Lonmin CEO assures miners of better working conditions

Lonmin's CEO says he knows the company hasn't done enough to better the lives of mineworkers.

Workers gather for 4th commemoration of Marikana Massacre_jacanews
Photo: Samkele Maseko

 Yesterday marked four years since the Marikana massacre. 

34 people were killed when police opened fire on striking mineworkers in the North West. 

Lonmin's Ben Magara says last year they had to shed 6000 jobs because the company was not stable enough.

"I know fully well that the living conditions should be better. They require a change. I can assure you we continue to work hard to improve that. So we have to back with our majority union and prioritise and say what can we do first," he said. 

Meanwhile, construction and mineworker's union AMCU wants a minimum wage that is equal to the current economic climate. 

The union's Joseph Mathunjwa spoke at yesterday's commemoration events

He accused government of copying a minimum wage in other countries.

"Our copycat government wants to introduce a national minimum wage - an outdated phenomenon that is copied from Brazil, the United Kingdom and the USA. I say this phenomenon is outdated because these countries where South Africa is copying are now moving from the minimum wage dispensation to a living wage," he said. 

In case you missed it, here's a look into yesterday's commemoration event in the North West.

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