DA wants eThekwini placed under administration

DA wants eThekwini placed under administration

The DA in KZN says it is now pushing for national government to intervene in Thekwini due to its dysfunctional state.

DA Leaders
Steve Bhengu

The party says city is beleaguered with failing electricity and sewerage infrastructure, crumbling roads and residents continue to be strangled by increasing rates which has led to a growing call for a boycott. 

Speaking this week in Umhlathuze, which is tipped to overtake eThekwini as the next booming metro, DA KZN chairperson Dean Macpherson said they want eThekwini under full administration before it is too late to save the city.

"That is why it is so perplexing that it is not under administration. The national government says we're going to invoke Section 154 and then the councillors tell the NEC to get out. In what province does that ever happen? 

"And then the national government sit on their hands and they do nothing about it? And so we're pushing hard because that place must be placed under administration. It is dysfunctional. It cannot run," Macpherson said.

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