Watch: Will Smith shows off his twerking skills

Watch: Will Smith shows off his twerking skills

Now, this is a story all about how a video of Will Smith twerking his pants off went viral all over the world.

Will Smith twerking
Will Smith twerking / Instagram

Ladies, if you have ever wanted to learn how to twerk, then you might want to to get some tips from Will Smith

READ: Watch Will Smith's hilarious parody of Jaden Smith's 'Icon' video

The 'I am Legend' actor showed off his impressive dancing skills on Instagram to celebrate the picture and video site finally being back online.

ALSO READ: Will Smith confirms 'Bad Boys 3' movie

Scores of social media users, including those on Facebook and WhatsApp, were unable to access their apps for several hours this week due to technical issues. 

When word got out that Instagram was working again, over 14 hours later, Will was so happy he decided to "drop it low" - real low!

The clip has been watched more than 10-million times Watch the hilarious video below.

Warning: Video contains profanity.

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