Pregnant Fitness model flaunts her abs

Pregnant Fitness model flaunts her abs

How could one possibly have abs while you are pregnant? Australian fitness model proves that it is possible!


Chontel Duncan is a fitness model based in Australia. 

She works out every day and shares updates about her pregnancy journey with her followers on Instagram. 

She has managed to keep her body in shape because she exercises, kickboxes and eats a heathy diet like she did before she found out she was pregnant. 

Her secret? She says she only eats when she is hungry and doesn’t stress.

Her pregnant pictures are insane and still hard to believe someone could look like this just before they give birth. 

Move Nourish Believe #mnb

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Cannot deal 🙌🏽 @nutri.hitt cheesecakes #guiltfree #glutenfree #dairyfree #norefinedsugar

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BUMP UPDATE 🍼 36 weeks... only 28 days to go 🙊 Boy do I feel pregnant, this tummy is massive, heavy, makes sitting up so difficult, rolling over in bed a funny task, trying my sneakers hard work & my back has its moments where it throbs. It's exciting because these are all NEW signs & signs that mean Little D is almost here. I'm interested to know where my waters will break hahaha... (If they do) Imagine if they broke this weekend at the hens in the valley or next weekend at my challenge break up party in the city OR while training in front of my clients hehehe... would be hilarious!!!! As of next week I have been instructed to commence some useful techniques to help bring on labour; 1) have sex daily 🙉 most hilarious convo 2) stimulate my nipples every time I use the bathroom 🙊 3) increase my raspberry leaf tablets to 6 per day 💊 Predictions are that I'll labour around 4hrs & push for 30mins... fingers crossed these predictions are correct, that just sounds like a dream come true!!! But we will just have to wait & see... Drugs... I plan to go gas if needed, defiantly no pethidine & epidural would be considered as an absolute last resort. I want to use the shower, exercise ball, stand as much as possible & play my music to help calm any nerves of needed. I've been doing collaborative care, which is private for all of my appointments & public for delivery, then private for all post natal appointments. The public system can (if I have a completely normal delivery) send me home within 6hrs of birth 😳 isn't that crazy to think... I could labour for 4hrs, rest for 6hrs and be at home all within 10hrs of my first active labour contraction. Watched USA "one born every min", made my husband & I get so excited. I'm defiantly going to ask to pull Little D out like Kortney Kardashian did lol & I hope to god I don't scream hahaha... I've officially gained... TO CONTINUE READING CLICK MY LINK IN MY BIO TO MY FACEBOOK.📲

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