"Glad I am alive" - Five bombshells from Meghan and Harry's interview

"Glad I am alive" - Five bombshells from Meghan and Harry's interview

From the royal family's concerns about Archie's skin colour to Meghan feeling suicidal, Oprah Winfrey's interview with Prince Harry and Meghan is full of shocking claims. 

Meghan Markle during interview with Oprah
Meghan, Duchess of Sussex/ YouTube

Oprah Winfrey's tell-all with Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, aired on Sunday night - and to say it is shocking is an understatement. 

The duchess and her husband talked candidly about their life as royals, their decision to leave, and the lack of support from their family.

ALSO READ: Meghan Markle says Buckingham Palace 'perpetuating falsehoods'

Master Archie

One of the most shocking claims made during the interview was that certain members of the royal family expressed "concerns" about what colour their son Archie would be. Meghan believes it is one of the reasons her son was not given a prince title or security. 

"They didn’t want him to be a prince or princess, not knowing what the gender would be, which would be different from protocol and that he wasn’t going to receive security,” she told Oprah. 

Both Meghan and Harry declined to say which royal family member talked about their unborn baby's skin colour. 

ALSO READ: Happy Birthday, Archie! Prince Harry and Meghan release new footage of their baby boy

Wedding drama with Kate plus their private wedding 

Meghan also clarified an ongoing rumour that she made Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, cry days before her wedding to Prince Harry.  The Duchess told Oprah that "the reverse happened". 

"And I don't say that to be disparaging to anyone, because it was a really hard week of the wedding, and she was upset about something. But she owned it, and she apologised and she brought me flowers and a note apologizing," Meghan said.

The 39-year-old added that the disagreement was about the bridesmaid dresses. Princess Charlotte was one of Meghan's bridesmaids.

Meghan said it was hard to watch and not be able to comment on the narrative that she had made Kate cry when she did not. 

“What was hard to get over was being blamed for something that not only I didn’t do but what happened to me and the people that were a part of my wedding going to my comms team, saying, 'I know this didn’t happen'... Everyone in the institution knew it wasn’t true...”

Meghan also revealed that they had a private wedding a few days before their royal wedding on May 19, 2018. 

"Even our wedding, you know, three days before our wedding, we got married. No one knows that, but we called the archbishop and we said this thing, this spectacle, this is for the world.

"But we wanted our union between us. The vows we have, they're framed in our room, are just the two us in our backyard with Archbishop Canterbury and that was it … it was just the three of us."

Prince Charles stopped speaking to Harry

Prince Harry joined the interview and revealed that his father, Prince Charles, stopped talking to him after they stepped down as senior royals. 

Harry said his father stopped taking his calls.

"I feel really let down because he’s been through something similar. He knows what pain feels like. And Archie’s his grandson. But at the same time, I will always love him. But there’s a lot of hurt that’s happened. And I will continue to make it one of my priorities to try and heal that relationship. But they only know what they know.”

Gender reveal

Prince Harry and Meghan shared some exciting news during the interview. The couple revealed they are expevting a baby girl. Meghan announced in February that there was another royal baby on the way.

"It’s a girl,” Prince Harry told Oprah. He also hinted that their baby girl will be their last child. “Two it is.”

The couple also shared a clip of them playing soccer on the beach with Archie.

Meghan's suicidal thoughts 

Meghan said life as a royal was so unbearable that she thought about killing herself. The constant negative stories in the British tabloids pushed her in that direction. 

“I just didn’t want to be alive anymore. And that was a very clear and real and frightening constant thought. And I remember how he [Harry] just cradled me,” she said. 

Harry said there were times he would come home and find his wife crying while breastfeeding his son. 

Where to watch Meghan and Harry's interview in South Africa

Oprah Winfrey's two-hour interview with Meghan and Harry will air in South Africa on Monday night. M-Net has secured the broadcasting rights for the interview. 

You can catch the full interview at 19:30 on DStv channel 101. 

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