Stormzy removed Jay Z from ‘Take Me Back To London’

Stormzy removed Jay Z from ‘Take Me Back To London’

Rapper Stormzy told Johnathan Ross on ITV that he was forced to remove Jay Z from his track with Ed Sheeran. His reason is quiet intriguing...

Ed Sheeran and Stormzy
Ed Sheeran and Stormzy/ Instagram

Many musicians would die for an opportunity to feature the greatest rapper of all time, Jay-Z, on their albums.

But one rapper, Stormzy, turned down Jay-Z from featuring on his song with Ed Sheeran. 

The song ‘Take Me Back To London’ was released in August and is a massive hit.

But what people don’t know is that the King of Rap, Jay-Z was part of the song and had to be removed. 

Stormzy told Johnathan Ross: “We got into the studio and we were writing for this song,” and Jay-Z was given a part to rap. 

However, it seems Jay-Z’s rap didn’t quite seem to fit the song and it changed the feel. 

Stormzy says after Jay-Z finished his rap, he asked him what he felt about the song. 

 “I was like, ‘I love this song, but you being on the song changes everything,'” Stormzy told Ross. 

He went on to tell the Grammy Award rapper that he admires his work, but the song isn’t right for him. 

“You are the most brilliant, busy man and I will probably never get this opportunity ever again but hand on my heart, I don’t think this is the right song for us," he said.

The good news is that Jay-Z didn’t take offence, and thanked Stormzy for his courage. 

"He just like proper really let me know like to my face like what you did was like thee most courageous like brilliant. He couldn't believe I did it," Stormzy said.

Watch the full interview below:

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