Master KG sends demand letter to companies using 'Jerusalema' for commercial use

Master KG sends demand letter to companies using 'Jerusalema' for commercial use

If your company took part in the 'Jerusalema' challenge but also used the video for commercial use, you might be forced to pay royalties to Master KG's record company.

Master KG

Master KG's hit single 'Jerusalema' took the world by storm in 2020. 

READ: Master KG’s ‘Jerusalema’ reaches 100-million views on YouTube

Several people, organisations, churches etc all over the globe took part in the 'Jerusalema' dance challenge. 

In South Africa, President Cyril Ramaphosa even asked South Africans to take part in the challenge on Heritage Day. 

The music video has over 345-million views. 

READ: Master KG is not bothered by the haters

Master KG's record company, Warner Music is now reportedly going after all the companies that used the hit single in their advertising or promotional videos.

According to several reports,  Warner Music is demanding license fees from companies that used ‘Jerusalema’ in their videos that display "an advertising or image-promoting effect in favor of an institution, organization or company".

Warner Music has reportedly written to many of the organisations in Germany who used the song for promotional purposes, demanding licence fees amounting to several thousand euros in some cases. 

The news of Warmer Music demanding royalties from such companies has received mixed reviews on social media.

Below are some of them. 

WATCH: Cristiano Ronaldo gives Master KG's Jerusalema the stamp of approval

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