Restaurants you can order takeout from during level 4 of lockdown
Updated | By Lifestyle Editor
The day has finally arrived, many of your favourites have reopened their doors and are ready for your orders!

Ready, set, go! What will you be ordering today?
It's been fun cooking and trying out new recipes, but now it's time to take a break and switch off the stove. Most of your favourite eateries are open, and, with new Covid-19 regulations, you are now allowed to enjoy some of your favourite treats from the comfort of your home.
After 35 days, the wait is over. It's time for you to sit back and order in. Here is a full list of what you can start ordering to eat at home during level 4 of lockdown.
- Anat - 2 May (Select Restaurants)
- Andiccio24
- Burger King - 6 May (Select Restaurants)
- Col' Cacchio (Select Restaurants)
- Chicken Licken
- Debonairs
- Del Forno
- Doppio Zero (Select Restaurants)
- Fish and Chips Co. (Select Restaurants)
- Hudsons - The Burger Joint
- KFC - 2 May (Select Restaurants)
- McDonald's - 2 May (Select Restaurants)
- Pizza Hut
- Pizza Perfect
- Rocomamas (Select Restaurants)
- Romas Pizza (Select Restaurants)
- Salsa (Select Restaurants)
- Simply Asia
- Spur - Date TBC (Select Restaurants)
- Steers
- Wimpy - Date TBC (Select Restaurants)
- Fishaways - Date TBC (Select Restaurants)
Remember that there are still restrictions that are applied: only deliveries are allowed, and operating hours are restricted to 09:00 to 19:00.
We’re all firing it up, getting streetwise and feeding those in need. For now, we’re all lovin’ it.#StreetwisePERiPERiMcBurger@KFCSA @McDonalds_SA
— NandosSA (@NandosSA) April 30, 2020
We'll be back delivering a selection of your favourites from selected restaurants. Watch this space!
— Wimpy South Africa (@wimpy_sa) April 29, 2020
Challenge accepted. We ain't chicken, let's put the beef aside and feed the nation.
— McDonalds_SA (@McDonalds_SA) April 30, 2020
What do you say? @KFCSA @ChickenLickenSA @BurgerKingZA @wimpy_sa @SteersSA @HungryLionSA
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