Darren, Keri, and Sky feature in ultimate drone footage of lockdown in KZN

Darren, Keri, and Sky feature in ultimate drone footage of lockdown in KZN

#Perspective, a film by Timothy Hay and Simon Mulholland, shows the beauty of KZN through the eyes of lockdown.

Screenshot: YouTube: Hellmot Productions

Darren, Keri, and Sky have featured an incredible film by the talented Timothy Hay and Simon Mulholland. When they watched the final product, they knew they had to speak to Hay about it.

The short film, ‘Perspective’, captures a never-to-be-seen again, empty, picturesque, and pristine KZN.

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Being filmmakers and licenced drone pilots, the reality of living through a pandemic sparked a natural urge to want to document it and to capture a monumental moment in history. 

"Hours of phones calls, extensive emails sent and permits coming out of our ears, Simon Mulholland and I, finally set off into the unknown and began filming across KZN. The more footage we gathered, the more compelled we became to share the incredible sights of Durban and surrounds, with you," Hay wrote on YouTube.

Also read: Normalise This: Should we normalise reporting our neighbours who break lockdown rules?

"The edit was a long process but only because my computer died on me a few times and I had to become a computer repairman over lockdown to carry on with the edit but roughly 1 month to edit and the filming started the 1st day of lockdown and finished the day we filmed at ECR and getting their faces," said Hay.

Listen to the interview here: 

Can you spot Darren, Keri and Sky's faces in the video?

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