Woman posts R2,500 reward for her R5,000 wedding ring...

Woman posts R2,500 reward for her R5,000 wedding ring...

Some things have sentimental meaning and money doesn't really matter...

Woman posts R2500 reward for her R5000 wedding ring...

Jewellery is something that has a very personal attachment to people. Sometimes it's about who gifted it to you, other times it's about the sentiment behind it, so the reason you wear it. 

So when we heard this story by Shanaaz April, we felt for her, because losing something that has sentimental attachment to it, is not easy. But more than that, it's the break in trust when it comes to friendship. 

Shanaaz believes that her 'friend', Rukeya Williams, is the thief in this case, and actually stole her wedding ring from her home, two years ago. Shanaaz says her cherished ring disappeared two years ago from her bathroom. She says on that day in September 2019, her friend Rukeya Williams came to visit her.

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Shanaaz shared that at first she thought she had misplaced her ring, and even after searching her home, and couldn't find it, she came to the conclusion that her friend had taken it. 

She confronted her friend, who denied the allegation, and then Shanaaz proceeded to take the case to the police. The case has since been closed due to a lack of evidence. As you would imagine, the friendship has ended. 

"Police spokesperson Joseph Swartbooi confirmed: “A 47-year-old suspect was arrested and detained. The matter was withdrawn in the Bellville Magistrates’ Court on 12 November." (Daily Voice)

Sadly, the stolen ring also caused problems with Shanaaz and her husband. Besides the loss of the ring, he became weary of visitors in their home. Which is totally understandable, you wouldn't expect people you trust to have ill-intentions in your home. 

Shanaaz is now offering a R2,500 reward to anyone who can help her find her ring, or with any information about her ring. 

Have you ever suspected a friend of stealing from you? Share your story with Vic Naidoo below. 

Woman posts R2500 reward for her R5000 wedding ring...
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