A mother finds all her handmade gifts thrown in the bin...

A mother finds all her handmade gifts thrown in the bin...

Gifts should not be taken for granted...

A mother finds all her handmade gifts thrown in the bin at her daughter's bridal shower...
Unsplash Website

Not everyone is a crafty person or appreciates handmade gifts. And we cannot blame them, we are who we are and there's no shame in celebrating ourselves. But in life there are lines of respect and sometimes it can become blurry...

For instance some people would say that if they don't like a gift then they will happily re-gift, donate it, return it (if possible) or throw it out. While this may seem harsh to another...Figuring out which person you are is the easy part, but hurting someone who put in time and effort to make something for you, that's a whole other life learning...

A woman who attended a bridal shower a few years ago shared a story about people being rude on Reddit. She shared that the mother of the bride wanted to give handmade gifts to each of the guests and threw her a tea party themed shower. 

The mom enjoys crafting and made all the decorations accompanied with crocheted tea cups and saucers with different types of tea, as the shower favours. There were 80 guests, so she took the time and the effort to crochet 80 sets and put them in cute little gift boxes. 

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But that's not the worst part of the shower, and definitely not the full extent to their rudeness. What she shared next was just sad...If you don't like something, yes it's important to be honest, but sometimes biting your lip to be respectful isn't a bad thing. 

In a time where not everyone can afford fancy gifts remember that the spirit of giving is just as important as the spirit of receiving. So think about that when you are receiving and giving this festive season. 

Safe to say, the woman revealed that the marriage didn't last very long, a big reason for that had to do with the groom's family...It's okay to be bougie but being mean and unkind, that won't take you far in life...

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East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Unsplash Website

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