Man caught desecrating his ex-wife's grave

Man caught desecrating his ex-wife's grave

That's one nasty ex-husband...

Man walking on green grass at graveyard
Man walking on green grass at graveyard/Pexels

We've heard of people holding onto a grudge when it comes to an ex, and we have to admit there have been some crazy stories. 

Some of the stories have been warranted, because we can understand how some people deserve the scorned behaviour. 

But this story has got to take the win when it comes to a bitter grudge story. 

A man who was married to his wife in the 1970s and consequently divorced, has been doing something completely dodgy and inappropriate. 

The woman, Linda Torello, who had a battle with cancer, has been resting in peace since 2017. 

Well, until recently at least...

Her son, Michael, shared that his sister and him had made a shocking discovery at their mom's grave. 

They had found packets of poop at her grave site more than once. 

"After setting up a camera near the grave, they were shocked to see that their mother’s ex-husband was the one leaving the poo and peeing on the grave." (MSN)

The man is said to have left Torello shortly after she had fallen pregnant with their daughter. 

This has us confused because, if anything, the late Torello should be the one with the grudge and not him...

The camera revealed some disgusting footage and what a heinous thing to do!

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The footage showed the ex-husband visit the grave site every morning between 06:14am and 06:18am. 

His current wife would bring him to the burial site and he would urinate on the grave and leave bags of poop at the grave. 

The crazy ex has yet to be charged for his disgraceful and horrendous acts, and he reportedly refuses to answer calls from Torello's children, who are beyond irate. 

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