Employee forgets to mute mic during virtual meeting

Employee forgets to mute mic during virtual meeting

When the crunch of your chips isn't a good thing...

Woman eating chips and using a laptop
Woman eating chips and using a laptop/Pexels

After what seems like forever, most employees have come to find a routine in their working arrangements. 

Most companies have not found their feet when it comes to either working from home, hybrid roles or everyday office setups. 

Which to us translates into the assumption that employees are used to their work schedules and conduct. Ironing out all the kinks took some time, but we think it's come full circle. 

That was not the case for one employee who made a simple mistake during a virtual meeting with her team. 

It seems human error should always be considered, not to mention the inconsistent nature of our hunger levels. 

A woman shared a screenshot of what happened when she forgot to mute her microphone and began eating a bag of chips. 

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We cannot say for certain if everyone's been in these circumstances, but one thing is for certain - mistakes do happen. 

"While munching, she forgot that the meeting was going on and the mic was on. The sound of her eating reached everyone in the meeting. As a result, a message came from her manager, ‘Can you please mute your mic? The sound of eating your chips is very loud.’" (IOL)

People really resonated with her post, which is a fair indicator that this has happened to more people than we would've expected. 

This is a firm reminder to always check your camera and microphone. 

Check out some of the comments. Even Lay's India 'chipped' in.

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Image Courtesy of Pexels

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