True Love releases Lerato Kganyago’s before and after pics

True Love releases Lerato Kganyago’s before and after pics

True Love magazine has received backlash over its Lerato Kganyago’s cover by posting the star’s before and after pictures. See them here. 

True Love has released its June issue and the cover star is Lerato Kganyago. Twitter went crazy on Monday when the cover was tweeted by True Love because, well, Lerato looks heavily photoshopped.

True Love then responded by basically saying “We made her look better” by releasing a series of before and after pics of LKG from the True Love shoot. SHOTS FIRED!

before after

So Lerato has done quite a few radio interviews and taken to Instagram to express her disappointment at the cover. She goes on to say that True Love is body shaming her and that the editor of True Love told her it was too late to change the Photoshop when they came to her to show her the cover.

True Love hit back late Monday afternoon, saying they only had Lerato’s image in mind.

“As a brand that stands for women empowerment, TRUE LOVE would never intentionally do anything to compromise women and their public profile. We have a responsibility not to tarnish our cover star’s image, to produce authentic content for our readers and to uphold the brand’s integrity,” editor Dudu Mvimbi Leshabane said on the magazine’s website.


As much as this whole situation sucks, why did LKG wait for all the negative comments to start rolling in and then only did she say she also wasn’t for the cover?


It seems as though she is painting herself as the victim an awful lot where as far as I know, magazines can’t release images you’re not happy with, without your consent.


Something just isn’t right here.


Listen, if you have cellulite, a fat nose, and stretch marks, it is all good!


Don’t let your beauty be defined by unrealistic measures that the media and celebs put out there for us to consume. You are beautiful no matter what!

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