Bodybuilder postpones wedding with his plastic doll

Bodybuilder postpones wedding with his plastic doll

Kazakhstan-based bodybuilder and actor, Yuri Tolochko, has had to postpone his wedding to his sex doll, Margo, due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

body builder and his doll
Screenshot: Instagram: @yurii_tolochko

According to the Daily Star, the wedding was supposed to take place on March 27 but was postponed due to self-isolation measures brought on by the Covid-19 outbreak, much to the disappointment of the bodybuilder's fans

This isn’t the only wedding that’s been postponed, many couples around the world have had to put their nuptials on hold due to the pandemic. Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom were also forced to cancel their wedding in Japan.

Many couples have resorted to continuing with their ceremony over Zoom, but not these lovebirds. Tolochko plans to hold an even better ceremony with his love doll once everything is back to normal.

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Take care of your health. Говорят, молекула короновируса достаточно крупная, поэтому маска вполне может помочь, оттолкнуть её, не дать проникнуть внутрь. Берегите себя! #будущеенаступило #маргоживая #марго #мояпринцесса👑 #любофф #толочокоттолочко #моядевушка #lovestory #живинаполнуюкатушку #казахстан #юрийтолочко #толочкокачоккрасавчик #умныйкачок #качокромантик #качок #атлет #бодибилдинг #сексуальность #sexy #девушкамоеймечты #мачо #самец #альфа #beast #muscleman #prettygirl #нурсултан #астана #яготовцеловатьпесокпокоторомутыходила @margo_party

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