Using just three words, describe your love life at the moment

Using just three words, describe your love life at the moment

Love under lockdown has proven to be difficult for a lot of couples.

A picture of the a balloon love sign held by two people

On Tuesday afternoon, Stacey and JSbu posed this question to KZN: Describe your love life at the moment using just three words.

The relationship statuses that describe your love life are no longer simple, as these days there are far more grey areas and intricacies to consider. Relationships evolve over time and are never the same. 

The bottom line is, "single" or "in a relationship" probably isn’t going to cut it for describing your love life these days.

via Gfycat

Stacey and JSbu kicked things off for KZN by sharing their three words to best describe their romantic relationships at the moment. 

Stacey was first: "Spontaneous, Vulnerable and Stylish."

For JSbu, his three words were: "Complicated, Unpredictable and Comfortable." 

Read between the lines, KZN... now your turn!

Read what Facebook listener had to say KZN: 

In just 3 words, describe your love life at the moment KZN...

Posted by East Coast Radio on Monday, September 14, 2020

For more from #Stacey&JSbu, check out past episodes below: 

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