Stacey's Hits: The perfect workout playlist

Stacey's Hits: The perfect workout playlist

Who said working out had to be boring?

Stacey Norman Workout playlist #ECRSummerBodyBootcamp
East Coast Radio

We're only a few days away from hanging out and getting our sweat on at #ECRSummerBodyBootcamp! 

FYI: You can still buy your tickets here.

READ: The East Coast Radio Summer Body Bootcamp with Stacey Norman

As we count down the days and get ready, it's important to make sure we have everything we need to make the day great.

While a comfortable and supportive workout fit, good trainers, and adequate hydration are all very important for an effective and fun workout, there is one thing that is just as essential.

READ: Happy #StaceyNormanDay: It's a queen's birthday!

The perfect workout playlist.

And if you are one of those people who can gym or run without any music playing, or maybe even a podcast on in the background, then we honestly don't know how you do it?

READ: WATCH: Doctor explains why you taste blood when you exercise

But for those of us who do make use of some tunes, the right playlist can be a powerful motivator and can help you push yourself to complete whatever exercise you set out to do.

Whether you use the music as a distraction, a mood-setter or a companion, it is almost as necessary as doing your stretches!

READ: Stacey Norman asks: Are you taking care of you?

This weekend our very own J Sbu will be providing us with some killer tunes while we break a sweat.

In the meantime, if you are looking to warm up and get yourself in the right headspace for Saturday, here is Stacey Norman's very own personal playlist that you can blast while doing your burpees:

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