Stacey Norman: "This is the ONLY acceptable way to eat an Easter egg"

Stacey Norman: "This is the ONLY acceptable way to eat an Easter egg"

Mama Norman has complete disdain for how Stacey Norman eats her Easter eggs...

Stacey eats a marshmallow
#KeepingUpWithTheNormans: Easter Edition / Stacey and J Sbu

We all have some weird traditions when it comes to Easter, but our home girl Stacey has taken things a little too seriously.

We decided to ask (in hindsight we shouldn’t have) how the Drive Team likes to eat Easter eggs…

Watch Stacey Norman devour this Easter egg...

Read More: Court is in session: Does Stacey have a claim to her old bedroom?

In the video above, Stacey is caught red handed... or should we say sticky fingered, while attempting to eat her egg.

You heard that right, Stacey peels her egg, but there is an art to it… 

Any story worth telling  must begin with a bit of a backstory: 

It was an annual Easter egg hunt and Stacey was on the prowl to get the most Easter eggs. She Christopher Columbus’d her way into finding almost all of the eggs in her garden.

However, similar to the conundrum Columbus had when he thought America was East Asia, what Stacey’s preconceptions were, was definitely not the reality. 

She was forced to share her eggs… all that hard work just so a #SisterSnatch would occur. 


Stacey vowed that from that day on that she would always tread with caution, especially when the bunny comes for a visit. 

Fast forward to present day when all is revealed that the Easter Bunny is in fact the parents and Stacey can fulfil her own chocolate cravings with that cash money dollar - Stacey buys a whole box of Easter eggs for her enjoyment.

But this is not just any usual kind of Easter egg, it's the type that you can only get once a year when it’s the season. 

Read More: VIRAL: Man exchanges cotton candy for human hair

Easter egg meme
#KeepingUpWithTheNormans: Easter egg Edition / imgfli3p memes

“A whole day to celebrate chocolate, don’t mind if I do,” says Stacey Norman. 

When Stacey meticulously selects the box of goods, she makes sure to choose the most perfect, undamaged ones. 

With all the self control in the world, she takes this box home and pops it straight in the freezer. 

She waits for the cooling process to occur. Once this is done, her strange eating habits begins. 

Stacey continues: “Once the chocolate is chilled, I remove it from the fridge and if the box is a little roughed up, I turn it upside down and select an egg packet from the bottom.

"I open said packet and begin to peel the layer of chocolate away. Once this process is done, I have a gooey centre to tantalise my tastebuds.

"Cause why would you wanna do it any other way?”

Read More: "I absolutely do not think that people can change" - Stacey

Easter egg meme
#KeepingUpWithTheNormans: Easter egg Edition / dopl3r memes

As you can see, Stacey’s eating process is highly complex and some may even say a bit extreme. 

The interesting part is how she never got herself into eating string cheese...


When we posed this question to J Sbu, it took him a hot second to think about it. 

He shared with us that he holds absolutely no restraints. He grabs as many choccies as he can and stuffs them into his mouth to the point where your teeth actually start to get sore from all the sugar.

This pinnacle is where he exchanges a sore tooth to satisfy that sweet tooth.

Next time you eat an Easter egg, make sure to try an alternative way of eating them just as the duo does above. 

Read More: If you and your friends were on a TV show, which character would you be?

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Image courtesy of Stacey and J Sbu

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