'Juno' star, Elliot Page comes out as transgender

'Juno' star, Elliot Page comes out as transgender

Elliot Page has received support from fellow performers and tens of thousands of fans following the announcement today. 

Elliot Page

The actor previously known as Ellen Page most known for the academy award winning performance in the film, Juno has come out as transgender. 

Page, shared a lenghty post on Twitter which in part revealed the following: 

The actor also revealed that her pronouns would now be he or they and that her name would now just be Elliot. 

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Since the announcement, the actor has changed his name on all his social media platforms and has quickly received an outpouring of support from fellow performers such as Mia Farrow and Patricia Arquette, as well as thousands of fans. 

The actor, who has frequently spoken out about LGBT issues, signed the letter off by saying: "All my love, Elliot."

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