Car picnic for Valentine's Day? Why, yes, please!

Car picnic for Valentine's Day? Why, yes, please!

Celebrate the season of love in the perfect way!

car picnic
car picnic/ Pinterest

So Valentine’s Day is just around the corner... you decide to impress your significant other with a booking for two to a 'fancy-schmancy' restaurant, only to be told over the phone that there are no more available spots. Yikes!

You try the next restaurant… and the next, but with no success. Freak out mode activated!

Outfits have been planned, the car got a good wash, but there’s no place to go. 

However, before you write off your V-day plans, what if your car IS the place to go?

Read More: TIPS: Safety tips for driving in the rain


To enjoy this unique date setting, simply open up the boot and backseat section of the car and convert it into one section. 

Set the mood by glamming it up with a blanket, some pillows, candles, some good food and music. Perhaps take it even further by parking in front of a scenic view of the ocean at the beach, or a mountainous view at a nature reserve, or at a park. Bam, now you've entered snug life.

P.S Thank goodness for KZN and its breath-taking nature spots!

Durban's beaches, popular with locals and visitors alike.
Durban's beaches, popular with locals and visitors alike. Image: Gallo Images/Darren Stewart

 As for the dress code?

Chilled, but impressionable. Think of it like it’s your very first date all over again OR you could even rock up in your PJs and still have a great car date night. After all, it is Valentine’s Day, right?

Read More: Things To Do In KZN

NOTE: To all the singles out there, don’t despair. Reel in your besties or your family on this one, or just have a date for one. If that concept sounds weird, give ‘Flowers’ by Miley Cyrus a listen. Just once. You’ll thank me later. 

Have a peek at some car picnic décor ideas below for inspiration:

Car Picnic
Car Picnic/ Pinterest
Truck Date Picnic
Truck Date Picnic/ Pinterest
Cute Car Date
Cute Car Date / Pinterest

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