Thanks, Carmen, now we know how to free our car from the sand | East Coast Radio

Thanks, Carmen, now we know how to free our car from the sand

Clearly, her car wasn't built for these sand streets...

Carmen has had quite the eventful first full week of KZN with her car stuck in a sand pit.
Carmen has had quite the eventful first full week of KZN with her car stuck in a sand pit. Image: ECR

Have you ever found yourself in the frustrating situation of having your car stuck in the sand? 

If you enjoy off-road adventures or are just taking a leisurely drive on the beach, getting your vehicle stuck in the sand is a possibility you should be prepared for. 

Read more: Beach sand sculptor makes a clever ad for pizzeria

While it can be stressful and overwhelming, knowing how to handle this situation can save you time, money, and prevent potential damage to your car. 

Well, unfortunately for Carmen Reddy, at the time it happened, she didn't know what to do. 

During the Mandela Day aQuellé-KHULA beach clean-up, Carmen arrived, and the next thing you know, her car was stuck in the sand.

Carmen has had quite the eventful first full week of KZN with her car stuck in a sand pit.
Carmen has had quite the eventful first full week of KZN with her car stuck in a sand pit. Image: ECR

Shame for poor Carmen; she was in total disarray when the moment happened. 

Luckily for her, there were people who helped get her car out of the sand. It's always great to know that there are helpful people who will always help someone in need.

Read more: Mandela Day

So, here's what needs to happen if your car is stuck in the sand and how to free it safely:

  1. Stay Calm and Assess the Situation
  2. Check Tire Traction
  3. Clear Sand Buildup
  4. Use Traction Aids
  5. Rocking Technique
  6. Enlist Help
  7. Deflate Your Tires
  8. Tow Strap and Recovery Points

Getting your car stuck in the sand is an inconvenience that can happen to anyone, but with the right approach and a calm demeanour, you can safely free your vehicle. 

Remember to be prepared, use proper techniques, and seek help if needed. 

The key is to stay composed, take it step by step, and get back on the road with minimal stress and damage. Happy and safe driving!

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Main image attribution: ECR

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