Five beauty tips using eggs on 'World Egg Day'
Updated | By East Coast Breakfast
Today is World Egg Day and what better way to celebrate but with egg on your face... literally!

World Egg Day has been celebrated annually on the second Friday of October since 1996 according to Eggs are an affordable source of high-quality protein, with the potential to feed the world.
Eggs have lutein, which is immensely useful to make your skin elastic and hydrated. The high protein in eggs has an important role to play for repairing of tissues and tightening the skin, says Beauty & Make.Up.Com.
The protein is also helpful in improving the appearance of hair length & strength of nails.
So, get cracking on these easy and eggy beauty tips:
Toner - Whip an egg till it becomes frothy. Apply it all over your face as well as neck. Wait till it is dry and rinse in lukewarm water. This would help to tone and tighten your skin.
Egg To Reduce Under-Eye Puffiness - apply a thin coating of egg white on the area under your eyes and leave on for about ten minutes. Wash off with plain water. Eggs are known to fix puffy eyes effectively.
Egg-Honey-Rosewater mask for smooth complexion -
Mix an egg with a spoon of honey and a few drops of olive oil and
rosewater. Use the mixture as a face mask for about twenty minutes to
get smooth complexion and flawless skin as it helps to do away with
A photo posted by William Overton (@williamoverton) on
Egg-Yoghurt Hair Conditioner - Mix egg and yogurt. You can add a spoon of olive oil or almond oil if you have it at home. Apply on your hair and let the mix sit for forty-five minutes. Your hair is thoroughly conditioned and you get shiny
Egg-Lemon Mix for Volume in hair - Mix the juice of one lemon with an egg and apply it on your hair. Wait for half-an-hour and shampoo. This pack adds sheen, volume and softness to your locks.
Backyard food always tastes better #backyardbiz #yayarea #eggandlemonswap
A photo posted by Joshua Vining (@superlativejudgment) on
- Do not use eggs for beauty treatments if you are allergic.
- An uncooked egg (which is used for skin care and hair care recipes) emits a bad smell when it starts drying.
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