East Coast Breakfast's week one of 2018 in pictures

East Coast Breakfast's week one of 2018 in pictures

And just like that, the first week back at work for Darren, Keri and, Sky is over. It started off on an all-time high but as the week progressed, so did the sleep deprivation.

Breakfast team are back

The Breakfast team is back after a three-week summer break and were excited as ever to hit the airwaves. However, if you were on leave over the festive season, you would know that it isn't very easy to get back into the swing of things.

To show you how their first week back was, we decided to document their 'morning faces' just to give you an idea of exactly what a struggle the first week back at work was. 

Day One: 'Yes! We missed each other and cannot wait to catch up. Also, we totally love our job.'

Day two: 'Did I really just say all of those nice things about being back at work?'

Day three: Sleep deprivation has kicked in for Sky so Keri had to resort to 'colder' measures.

Day four: 'What time is it? Why are we awake?'

Day five: 'Fri-YAY! It's the weekend and that means it's also time for the noughty mix!'

Fri-Yay is a real thing! 🙌🏻😁

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The team loves being on-air but they're definitely missing the days where they got to sleep in late. Can you relate? How was your first week back?

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