#DeadPose dead wrong?

#DeadPose dead wrong?

In this age of fake news and salacious click-bait stories by news and entertainment sites - and to an ever-increasing degree personal Facebook and blog posts, the #DeadPose phenomenon seems to have really pushed the macabre envelope a bit too far.

Dead pose dead wrong

Are we scraping the bottom of the barrel of human decency here?

I will admit that for a fraction of a second even we at East Coast Breakfast had considered jumping on to this trend in the same way we have engaged in other social media crazes of the past, like the #IceBucketChallenge, #Planking, and #NoMakeupSelfie.

We, thankfully, almost instantaneously decided that the whole 'trend' which started a week ago was in poor taste and that we should distance ourselves from any association with it.

So when this video emerged of a #DeadPose woman - which showed a distraught toddler crying over the 'corpse' of her aunt as her mother filmed it, we were really taken aback with how far this tasteless trend had gone.

Warning: This video is not suitable for sensitive viewers

The question everyone is asking now is: Does this mother and her sister's cruel behaviour constitute abuse?

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