Bzzz: Bees on a plane

Bzzz: Bees on a plane

2020 has been showing us some really bizarre scenes and with 30 days to go,  we are bound to see more...

Swarm of bees on plane

In a rather unexpected and crazzzzy event, a swarm of bees were seen clamped up and busy buzzing about on the window of two planes at an airport in Kolkata on two different occasions. 

As a result of the incidents, two flights were held back. The good thing is that none of the two flights had any passengers as the bee attack was noticed just before the flights were about to be taken to the runway. 

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"On both occasions, fire brigade personnel sprayed water from water cannons on the swarm of bees to drive them away. Following the back to back incidents, a team of officials from Kolkata airport searched the area and sprayed insecticide in the surrounding places. However, even after an extensive search, no beehives were spotted in the zone,” said Kolkata airport director Kaushik Bhattacharjee.

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