'Popping bottles in the club' leads to R273k bill, Carol reacts!

'Popping bottles in the club' leads to R273k bill, Carol reacts!

People are left shocked at the prices of liquor at a bar in Gauteng.

A bar receipt from place called Midrand
A bar receipt from place called Midrand/Twitter/@CoruscaKhanya

We recently opened up the topic about tipping service staff and there was a mixed reaction from the social media community. 

But this time there is something else in the hot seat. A bill that is circulating on Twitter shows a whopping total of R273,412.70 and get this, that's including the tip!

A photo of the receipt was shared by Twitter user Khaya Sithole and as you may have imagined, the Twitter mob had lots to say. 

We asked Carol Ofori what she thought about the whole hoo-ha of reactions and this is what she had to say:

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We agree with our Daytime Diva. If you are spending your own money, then it's no one's business. 

After all, it's your money. But you see there is another side to this situation. 

Many South Africans are known for their savvy natures and, therefore, when it comes to seeing something like this, their first instincts are why pay exorbitant rates at a high-end bar when you can get your liquor at a fraction of the cost at a bottle store... 

Check out some of the responses to the post below. Some people were even questioning the legitimacy of the receipt, considering the name of the bar is Midrand and the contact number just has the dialling code for Pretoria. 

And after perusing through the bill with our Twitter mob eyes on, it does seem a little far-fetched. 

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