It's the crop top for me! Peeps make fun of Siya Kolisi's sportswear

It's the crop top for me! Peeps make fun of Siya Kolisi's sportswear

“That’s what happens when you move to the Sharks, they make you train in a bra"... Whoa, guys. It's not a "bra". 

Siya Kolisi
Siya Kolisi and his wife Rachel/ Instagram

Siya Kolisi's latest training session with the Cell C Sharks has left many people drooling and confused at the same time. 

The Springbok capatin shared a picture of himself wearing a "crop top". 

While many left flame emojis for "sexy" Siya, others were concerned about why he is wearing a sports bra. 

"Hayi boooo. It's the crop top for me," one Instagram user commented. 

Another added: "That’s what happens when you move to the sharks, they make you train in a bra…Next week g-strings.”

READ: Rachel Kolisi is not moving to Durban with Siya

Firstly, Siya is married (hello, Rachel Kolisi), so stop drooling. Secondly, it's not a "bra" or your average crop top. 

Siya is wearing a "half-vest", which many male footballers have also been seen wearing. 

They're actually called smart vests and help with fitness monitoring. 

They have a built-in electronic unit (GPS device) that records important data. 

Nonetheless, South Africans are not used to men wearing "bras". 

READ: Rachel Kolisi told to wear more make-up to look "professional"

Siya brushed off the remarks.  

"LOL, Rachel please defend me," he wrote in the comments. 

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