Hair loss in men - Janez Vermeiren shares his story

Hair loss in men - Janez Vermeiren shares his story

The former 'Top Billing' presenter says his receding hairline caused him to have anxiety. 

Janez Vermeiren
Janez Vermeiren / Instagram (@Janez_vermeiren)

Janez Vermeiren is opening up about his decision to get a hair transplant. 

The TV presenter and businessman got the procedure in July following years of dealing with hair loss

Janez is sharing more details about his hair loss journey. The 44-year-old says he started losing his hair in his thirties. 

"At about 35 I started getting a bit of a panic attack realising that my hair was thinning. I did all kinds of things to try and cover it up.  There's a powder that you can buy that I use to use when I used to shoot. I started wearing a lot of caps, started trying to cut my hair in a certain way to cover it up," he said in a video he shared on Instagram. 

ALSO READ: Skolopad gets real about her hair loss: 'Self-love starts with you'

Janez says it is a huge issue for men - especially those who work in the entertainment industry.

"It really breaks your confidence. It really breaks your confidence. I always said to my wife, 'imagine you lost your hair what would you do?' and she said she would immediately get a hair transplant. 

"For the industry that I'm in in particular, I am on Zoom calls every day, I am in the media, I'm out in public and it really hurt me having this receding hairline," he admitted. 

The entrepreneur says he doesn't regret getting a hair transplant and wishes he did it sooner. 

"I’ve been talking for ages about getting a hair transplant, but never had the courage to see it through. If you suffer from male pattern baldness, don’t let it keep you down," he wrote in a previous post. 

ALSO READ: Gail Mabalane creates her own hair care line after hair loss experience


Some men are turning to wigs/man weaves and toupees for temporary solutions to their balding issues. 

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