Put your hands up! Cassper Nyovest drops new music

Put your hands up! Cassper Nyovest drops new music

Good music in the house! Cassper Nyovest is excited about his new single. 

Cassper Nyovest
Cassper Nyovest/ Instagram (@casspernyovest)

Cassper Nyovest is back with another banging track. The 31-year-old released his new song, 'Put Your Hands Up', on Friday.

The rapper says the song is "just good music". 

"That's the best way I can put it. It's the music I should be making for my age,status and space that I have taken up. I'm settling into a new role and making music that I grew up to, the music that I love, music that I miss and would love to hear," the SAMA winner said in response to a fan who asked what they can expect from his latest single. 

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'Put Your Hands Up' features DJ and producer Mousse T. 

Cassper's fans are already raving about the catchy tune. "This @casspernyovest song is dope it will have the crowd going crazy, give it time, I can already imagine the scene in my head. PutYourHandsUp," one Twitter user wrote.

Another tweep wrote: "This is a hip hop beat! Great singalong in the club.But it’s too short man, maybe 5 minutes. Intro was a bit long."

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