The emotions of parenting in lockdown

The emotions of parenting in lockdown

In episode six of Jenni's Baby Clinic podcast, experienced childcare practitioner Jenni Johnson looks at the emotions of parenting in lockdown, including dealing with depression.

Stressed mom with baby
Stressed mom with baby/ iStock

The lockdown has led to many parents taking on different roles.

Many have had to start working from home, educating their children, doing housework, and still playing the role of a parent. All these roles can leave one feeling overwhelmed. 

In this week's podcast, Jenni Johnson shares practical advice to help parents cope with their emotions during this challenging time. 

Jenni's a Registered Nurse and Childcare Practitioner and has run her own clinic in Durban for the last 20 years. Find more episodes from this lockdown series below.

Image courtesy of iStock/ @globalmoments

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