Think big - act bigger: Kindness & Mandela Month

Think big - act bigger: Kindness & Mandela Month

In this week’s KindnessCan podcast, Jane Linley-Thomas and Paul Bushell catch up with Cindy Norcott, founder of the Robin Hood Foundation to talk about kindness and giving in Mandela Month and beyond.

Cindy Norcott

This Mandela Month, the Foundation has a range of exciting and kind activities on the go. As always they hope to touch the lives of thousands of deserving people in KwaZulu-Natal. Find out how you can get involved.

Cindy highlights how we all want to be kinder in our lives, but that we sometimes feel that we don’t have enough time or what it takes to make a difference.

That’s where we get it wrong. Every act of kindness, no matter how big or small, can make a difference.

Cindy unpacks some really simple (and safe) ways that we can all get involved this Mandela Day. Click below to listen.

Cindy Norcott

Meanwhile, in a previous KindnessCan podcast, Jane Linley-Thomas and Paul Bushell spoke with humanitarian legend, Dr Imtiaz Sooliman, founder of the Gift of the Givers.

Dr Sooliman shared stories of the incredible humanity, kindness and hope he has found in the over 40 countries he has worked in.

Recipient of countless awards, the kind Doctor talks about his greatest rewards and what he does to relax and recharge.

He also talks about the this year's Cape Town fires and how the community rallied to help UCT students who were affected. Listen below.


Explore more podcasts from the KindnessCan team in their channel below.

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